Sunday, May 1, 2011

To Potter Fans: HP & the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

Here is the new trailer for the new Harry Potter movie coming out July 15, 2011:

Since we've just finished reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I wanted to share this with you and hopefully this will get those who are not interested in Harry Potter to watch this movie! I find this trailer so dramatic and awesome! This definitely will be the last Harry Potter movie for the series and I am so sad that it will be over. So much has happened since the series came out. Harry Potter has been a part of my life for a long time ever since the 4th grade. Before the 4th grade I was a non-Potter fan too.

After seeing this trailer, I want to know how you guys feel about it and what you/we might expect from the movie coming soon and if will follow the book to the very end. Comment below!

-Erick Senethep

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